My Weblog

Hello world!

My name is Silvia Gill, but I alike to be called Silvia Anita. I am from Brazil; however, I have been living in NY for the last 6 and haft years. I love NYC and every time that I go back to visit my family in my country, I feel out of place. It is like that I don’t belong there, so I want to come back home as soon as I can.  Even though, I have grown up in a magnificent, beautiful and friendly urban city (Rio de Janeiro). NYC for me has its own modern identity. It is fast-moving; we are always in a rush – which in consequence our precious time goes very fast – which is sad. However, I am amazing with the NYC and I feel that I belong much more here than in my own home country.

I am 27 years old. My horoscope sign is Taurus, which I have much of the characteristics that I “Taurus person” supposedly have. This means that I have some what a strong personality. I am very stubborn. Most of the time I am 8 or 80, or I am very exiting about something or not at all. I can only love or hate something or someone; there is no middle ground for me. I am extremely shy on unfamiliar environment, at the point that I feel completely uncomfortable and I find myself with difficult to express myself. However, when I am on familiar environment, I am not shy at all. I am completely out going and one of the most “crazy” one. I am very authentic and most of the time I do things different that others would do. Usually I am more an observer than a talker. I considered myself a private person, which loves to stay at home by myself or with families and love ones. I am not much of a party girl and I don’t enjoy being involved in a crowded place, only in special occasions or to break the routine a little bit. On my free special times, I like to paint colorful designs on canvas, but I don’t do that very often. One of my passions is to travel and every opportunity and time that I have I try to travel around. I have already traveled to many states, countries and continents, which most of people of my age wouldn’t dream of. Due to a hard that I have to find a travel partner, I usually travel on my own. Most people think that I am insane to travel alone, but this is one of my unique characteristics and strong personality. I don’t wait for others to do something that I want. If I don’t have someone to go to the movie theater, Broadway show, to a restaurant or to travel, I just go and enjoy the time on my own and do my best to make friends there. Most of the time I do and I find to have a bless time. So, I considered myself a unique and different person.   I am very friendly person that makes friends where I go. However, due to my privacy way to be, there are not many people that understand me. I know many people and I have many colleagues, but only few special ones that understand my own special way to be and I carry all of them with devotions and on my heart. Theoretic as 27 years old I cannot considered myself a girl anymore, but inside I feel that I still am. I am very different in my own special way to be, I respect others in their own way for I can get the same respect back.

It took me a long time for I could find my education goal. Back in Brazil I was studying Library Science at College. However, it wasn’t me at all. I didn’t have any passion, talent or desire to be a Librarian. Took me a while to find out what I really want to study. But now I fell that the clock is ticking and I don’t have much time to be “playing” around trying to figure it out what I am good at and keep placing education on the side. Some people born with their skills and passions others have to search inside their own infinity identity throw out their lives. I am one of them, I still trying to find myself. But soon or later I am getting there. After couple years away from an education, I have decided to apply to a college with a beginning level, for that I could build my skills, cultured and education step by step. LaGuardia seems to be the perfect option, due to the international student community. LaGuardia has helped me to build and develop education goals and self-esteem. Since I have started at LaGuardia I feel more passion in studying, more concentrated and closer to achieve my dream. At the moment I am studying Liberal Art in International Studies, but my real goal is to earn my Bachelor in International Relations and MBA maybe in Economics. I am not sure yet what University I will have a chance and opportunity to transfer when I graduated from LaGuardia with an Associatie’s degree. I am planning to transfer to one University that I can continue my education towards and International Relations Degree. I am hoping that I graduate as an honor student in LaGuardia for I can get a chance to earn a scholarship in a top University. My dream job would be to work in the UN. Maybe I might have some talent in the future to help to work out and solve some of the problems in the World. Wouldn’t this be great?

At the moment I have decided to take LRC 103 as an online course due to my busy schedule and the flexibility that would provide me. Due to the fast technological and information times in which we are living, it is possible to get all different information from different sources easily through the internet to educated ourselves. Therefore, I hope that the Internet Research course helps me to develop a better and strong research skill in which would help me in my professional field as in my private life.

So, this is all that I have to say about myself at the moment. Welcome to my World!


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  1. * Steve O. says:

    Great job! Sorry I missed this.

    Posted 15 years, 8 months ago

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